Where Little Eaters & Talkers Thrive!
Our Services
Breast and Bottle Feeding
Is your baby having difficulty latching or their suck is weak?
Need help finding the best bottle for your baby?
Is your baby demonstrating fussiness or colic?
Is your baby refusing the breast or the bottle?
Signs of bottle aversion?
Tongue Tie Complications
Do you think your baby or toddler has a tongue/lip tie?
Is this tongue tie affecting your child’s eating habits or speech?
Oral Aversion
Does your child avoid certain food groups or textures?
Does your child have a feeding tube and need help with weaning and transitioning to foods/liquids?
Introduction to Foods
Is your baby having difficulty transitioning to solids?
Is your toddler stuck on smooth textures?
Need help getting your child to learn to drink from a straw?
Are you nervous about choking and want extra support to get your baby eating all the foods?
Picky Eating Habits
How do I help my child to be willing to try new foods?
How can I help my child eat the same meal as the rest of the family?
Why does my child only eat white and brown food like yogurt, crackers, & bread?
Why won’t my child eat vegetables?
How can I get my child to eat meat?
Why will my child only eat food from a jar or pouch?
Why does my child pocket food in her cheek rather than swallow it?
Challenges in Weight Gain
How can i be sure that my child is eating enough to gain weight?
How can I improve my child’s appetite?
How can i get my baby to open his mouth at the beginning of the meal?
I feel like I am forcing my baby to eat, how do i help encourage them to want to eat?
Myofunctional Therapy
Why is my toddler always drooling?
How do I help my toddler who is always mouth breathing?
Why does my child always have his tongue out?
Does my child have a tongue or lip tie?
How can i help my child stop sucking on her thumb, fingers, or pacifier?
Speech Therapy
How can I help my child learn how to talk?
I want help to learn how to play with my child.
Is my child delayed in speech in language?
Why won’t my child answer questions?
“Jean was instrumental in helping my son overcome his extreme oral aversion… Her confidence and vibrant personality was a breath of fresh air… I really appreciated how easy she was to get in touch with any time I had a new feeding concern.”
— Torie O. -Mother